Show Notes

Throughout my life, I've struggled with Electromagnetic-Frequency pollution. Cities are always craziness!  I didn't now it then, but symptoms including sleep problems, headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, “brain fog”, inflammation, muscle weakness and more can be caused from EMF pollution. 

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur series, I interview Igor Nazarov with Energy Tools International.

With his extensive background in chemical physics and molecular physics, Igor REALLY knows his stuff, and it's really an opportunity for us all to be able to have a chat with him about cutting-edge research in the energy medicine field. He will be on Light Warrior Radio to discuss how subtle energy formulas can help boost the body's vitality and the mind's focus, and mitigate EMF pollution!

Be sure to check out the interview and post your questions belows!