Show Notes

It's no secret that most of the sunscreen out there is very toxic (just do a quick Google search and you'll get pages and pages of articles revealing the toxic ingredients in the most popular sunscreens).

I've seen first hand just how stressed my client's bodies become after all the toxins their bodies intake every day (food, water, fragrances, cosmetics, household items) so the last thing I suggest for them is to place globs of that toxic stuff directly on their skin! 

Instead, I recommend to them to use phototherapy patches to naturally protect their skin from radiation. 

How does it work? It's actually very simple and boosts your body's natural energy system to protect your skin without intaking any toxins or chemicals. 

Join me as I interview Dr. Dennis Lobstein as we share exactly how these nifty phototherapy patches work so well. 

Feel free to join us to ask ANY questions you have about LifeWave patches. 

And if you join us on the chat, I will even do muscle testing for you to see if these patches are for your highest and greatest good and if so, which ones. BTW, these patches are NOT for everyone, so please join us to learn more.