Show Notes

Ever since the releases of my last two programs,  I've gotten quite a few requests for people to come on my show. Before even considering them, I check their light score and I ask myself if they will bring something different and significant to my audience. When Mike Marschhausen , co-founder of "Spirituality for Men" wrote me, his work immediately resonated with me and it was an Easy Yes! 

And what a fun topic it is! ""Energy Healing with our Hearts"

Join us LIVE as we discuss: 

- How do we know when we are really living from our hearts.. what does that mean?

- How we can use Heart Healing and Infinite love to instanesouly heal subconscious blocks and emotional trauma 

-What is Heart Freedom Technique and how does it differ from other healing modalities?


At the end of the call with Mike you will get a chance to actually EXPERIENCE a group clearing session using the Heart Freedom Technique live on the call! You'll even get a chance to chat with Mike about any questions you may have. 

So be sure to join us live with an open heart to receive more love and healing! 


Mike Marschhausen is an Army veteran turned mind, body, spirit coach and healer. He is the creator of The Heart Freedom Technique, his healing technique used to eliminate fear and doubt and uncover your true self. As well as the co-founder of Spirituality for Men, a platform for men to explore their inner world, and to evolve spiritually and consciously. The main emphasis of his work right now is helping men and woman find inner peace, create abundance, and live up to their full potential. To learn more visit